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Legal details


SIMIS global and TUCH are proud members of SIMIS consulting LLC

Management: Marc Fichtner


Responsible for the content: Marc Fichtner

Conception and presentation: Marc Fichtner


Updated: 02/01/2017




1. Global Internet Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) describes our online information practices and the decisions you can make regarding the way your information is accessed and used in this website (the “Site”).

SIMIS respects your right to privacy. This Policy summarizes the kind of personal identification information we are allowed to access and how we can use it.

Our business policy in SIMIS is to abide by all the applicable data and privacy protection laws. This Policy describes how SIMIS protects your privacy when accessing personal information from the Site. The term "personal information" in this Policy is used to refer to all the information that identifies you personally, whether individually or along with other information we may possess.

When using the Site or entering personal information, you authorize us to access, use, and disclose your personal information in the way described in this Policy. If you do not authorize your personal information to be accessed, used, or disclosed as described in this Policy, please do not use this Site.


2. Limitations on Personal Information Access, Use, and Disclosure

Pursuant to applicable laws, when personal information is accessed through the Site, we will:

§  only access, use, disclose, and transfer personal information with your consent, either explicit or implicit, depending on the sensitivity of your personal information, applicable legal requirements, and other factors;

§  only access your data for specific and limited purposes. We will have access only to information that is relevant, useful and appropriate to achieve our purposes;

§  process your personal information according to the purposes for which it was originally obtained or to those you may have agreed to at later stages;

§  take the necessary measures, by means of a contract or otherwise, to duly protect all personal information that may have been disclosed to a third party or transferred to another country, even in the case of internal transfers within SIMIS.


3. Sharing Personal Information

SIMIS could share your personal information with other companies somehow related to SIMIS. These companies will use this information according to the purposes for which it was originally obtained (or for the purposes you may have agreed to), and only in accordance with this Policy and other applicable laws on data protection and privacy.

SIMIS may also share your personal information with those third parties that provide us with support services. These third parties may only use the personal information we share with them to provide their services on our behalf, and are compelled to keep this information confidential at all times.

In some cases, SIMIS might share your personal information with third parties we may partner with. In that event, we require our partners to use that personal information according to the purposes for which it was originally obtained (or for the purposes you may have agreed to at later stages), and only in accordance with this Policy and other applicable laws on data protection and privacy.

We might also sometimes share with or transfer personal information to unrelated third parties. For example, we might share personal information to a third party (i) on your own request; (ii) to fulfill a legal requirement or abide by the decision of a court; (iii) in the context of a purchasing contract, merger, restructuring, liquidation or dissolution of SIMIS or an affiliated company of SIMIS or (iv) under similar circumstances. In this case, we will take all necessary measures to protect your personal information.


4. How Information Is Accessed and Used

There are 2 ways in which we can obtain your information when you access and use the Site:


1. Information received from your Web browser

SIMIS receives information automatically from your Web browser. This information includes the IP address of your Internet service provider and the name of your operating system.

The information provided by the browser does not identify you personally. SIMIS collects this information to track the traffic patterns and use of the Site in order to help us improve its design. We will never share this information with anyone outside our organization or Web development team.


2. Information provided by you knowingly and voluntarily

SIMIS collects information you provide knowingly and voluntarily when using the Site. Many times, this will be personal information. OneContactRealEstate uses this information for the purposes you provided it for.  

SIMIS also uses the information obtained through the Site for several business purposes, such as to provide customer services, prevent fraud, conduct market research, enhance products and services, and give you and your company the information and offers we believe might be of your interest, etc.


5. Personal Information Security

Pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act, Law 25.326, [Ley 25.326 de Protección de Datos Personales], we inform that the data users enter voluntarily when using the Site will become part of an automatized database, in charge of its owner SIMIS. Users will only be requested data that are strictly necessary for using the Site appropriately. 

All personal data obtained through the Site will be stored and used only to provide you with customized services and to send you information about products and service offers. SIMIS ensures that your data will be treated as confidential and in accordance with current regulations on data protection.

Users may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, update, substitution, deletion, cancellation, or opposition, free of charge by notifying SIMIS to the e‑mail

Personal Data holders may exercise their right of accessing data free of charge within intervals no shorter than six months, unless a legitimate interest to do otherwise is shown pursuant to Law 25.326, section 14, subsection 3. The National Bureau of Personal Data Protection, the controlling body of Law 25.326, is responsible for dealing with claims and complaints filed in cases of noncompliance with personal data protection regulations.

On signing up and using this Site users give their consent as provided for in sections 5 and 11 of Law 25.326.


6. Queries about Privacy Policies

If you have any queries regarding this Policy, its implementation, the accuracy of personal information, or the use of the information obtained, you may contact us through the following contact information: E-Mail:


7. Applicable Laws

The access and use of the Site and its content will be governed by and construed in accordance with the existing laws in the United States of America. Users submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the City of Miami Beach, FL and Miami Dade County, waiving expressly any other court or jurisdiction that might otherwise be pertinent, for any issues that may arise or claims that may be filed deriving from the services provided by the Site and its contents, and for the construal, application, and compliance or noncompliance of what has been herein provided for.


8. Updates

SIMIS reserves the right to update or change this Policy at any time without prior notice, by publishing its revised edition on our Site. In case the Policy is updated, its changes will only be applicable to the personal information obtained after the new edition is published on the Site.

© 2017 SIMIS consulting, LLC

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